2024 Vestry Slate

Vestry Slate for 2024

St. Peter’s is grateful to announce the candidates for election to the St. Peter's Vestry and Synod Delegation. Many names were submitted for consideration, and the Nominating Committee, utilizing the criteria for Vestry membership, and godly discernment, is pleased to present these eight individuals to the parish to stand for election to the St. Peter’s Vestry & Synod Delegation.

  • Glen Davis

  • Steve Gordon

  • Rohan Joseph

  • Carolyn Parlato

  • Ashley Trafton

  • Michelle Ubben

Please begin praying for each of them by name. We are thankful for their willingness to serve the Lord as leaders of our Cathedral.

Four of these individuals will be elected to serve on the Vestry. We will also need to elect two delegates to the Diocesan Synod. The easiest way to handle that is to elect the two persons on the ballot who aren’t elected to the Vestry, to serve a three-year term as a delegate. At the Annual Parish Meeting on May 5 at 6:30pm, you will select four names on your ballot. The top four vote recipients will be elected to the Vestry. The fifth and sixth-placed persons will be elected to serve as delegates to the Diocesan Synod.

As you pray and discern who God is calling to lead and represent our parish, please reference the Criteria & Expectations for Members of the St. Peter's Vestry linked in the button below.

Candidates for Election to the Vestry

Glen Davis

Glen currently lives in Tallahassee, FL, with his wife of 19 years, Robin Perry-Davis. Together, they serve on the Small Group Leadership Team of St. Peter’s. He has 2 adult children.  Currently the President and CEO of The Jeremiah Group, Inc., Glen functions part-time as a Manufacturer’s Representative for Motorola Solutions Inc., handling the Department of Defense in Florida.  Glen retired from Motorola after 37 years of service in 2020. He has served as the Sr. Warden of the Vestry at Incarnation Church (Tallahassee, 2015-19) and Advent Episcopal Church (W. Bloomfield, MI, 2001-04) as well as on the Standing Committee of the Gulf Atlantic Diocese (2018-19). Glen is privileged to serve on the Boards of The Good Samaritan Network, Mentors Heart, and Acts 29 Ministries (Chair, 2009-present). Glen has led numerous small men’s groups and large men’s ministry events and has completed 5 Israel Study Tours.  He has delivered over 250 lectures on both Old and New Testament Scripture.  His passions are, studying God’s Word, Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith, fishing, golf, and hiking.

Steve Gordon

Steve Gordon is a husband and father of four. As a member of St. Peter's since 2018, Steve has served as the Chair of the Adult Discipleship Committee since 2021 and as an Usher since 2019. Outside St. Peter's, Steve built two successful businesses, is a bestselling author of five books, and speaks to business audiences across the U.S.

Rohan Joseph

Rohan Joseph has been attending St Peter’s Anglican Cathedral since June 2021. He serves as an usher and is also on the altar guild and intercessory prayer team.  He is involved with The Fellowship on Tuesday evenings and the Mentors Heart program.
He is married to Beth Medley, and they have two children, Zachary and Zoë. Rohan is a board-certified General and Bariatric Surgeon with HCA Florida Capital Surgical Specialists.

Carolyn Parlato

Carolyn Parlato is a retired attorney who joined St. Peter’s in 2010 when she moved to Tallahassee from New York. She has three daughters and three grandchildren. She is currently serving as Co-Captain of the Life Ministries Core at St. Peter’s.

Ashley Trafton

Ashley was born and raised in Tallahassee and grew up attending St. John’s Episcopal Church. She and her husband, Mark, moved back to Tallahassee in 2002 to raise their three boys and are charter members of St Peter’s. Ashley works as Vice President of Operations for Coton Colors Company. She is on the board of advisors and hospitality committee for the Charles Simeon Institute, and she and Mark have enjoyed mentoring CSI interns over the years.

Michelle Ubben

Michelle Ubben is a devoted believer in Jesus and, along with her husband, Matt, is a founding member of St. Peter’s Anglican Cathedral and has raised six children in the church. They previously were members of St. John’s Episcopal Church and grew up in the Catholic Church. Michelle has led an Acts 2:42 group for the past 15 years, has served on the Altar Guild, and is currently active in a refugee outreach ministry. She previously served on the vestry in the early years of the church. She has worked in strategic communications for more than 30 years and is President and CEO of Sachs Media.

Members in Good Standing are eligible to vote

Per the St. Peter’s Bylaws, Article I states that a Member in Good Standing is

  1. Baptized;

  2. Over 18 years of age;

  3. A member of the Church for at least six (6) months prior to the date of the vote or election;

  4. Free from ecclesiastical censure;

  5. Regular in his or her attendance at the Church’s services;

  6. A member who contributes his or her time, talents or treasure to the expenses or needs of the Church for at least six (6) months prior to the date of the vote or election; and

  7. Committed to the orthodox doctrine, discipline, and worship of the Church. Orthodox doctrine is defined as the Christian belief that is taught and established in Holy Scripture and stated in the confession of the Nicene and Apostles’ Creed.

Women's Retreat 2024 Welcomes More Than 200

More than 215 women gathered for the Annual St. Peter’s Women’s Retreat at the cathedral on Friday, 16 February and Saturday, 17 February. 

Jodie Berndt speaks Friday evening.

The speaker was Jodie Berndt, the bestselling author of the Praying the Scriptures series, which includes volumes for Children, Teens, Adult Children, Life, and Marriage. A popular speaker and Bible teacher, Jodie has been featured on many national media outlets, including Focus on the Family, Fox News, and a variety of marriage and family-oriented podcasts.

She spoke on the topics of being Anchored in the Word, Anchored in Prayer, and Anchored in Hope.  

Jaimi Wacksman (left), presents a silver platter to Jane Harding in recognition of her faithful service and devotion to the Lord and the Church. Jane was accompanied by her husband, Major, and daughter, Alice Sanderson.

Additionally, on Saturday, the Women’s Ministry Council of St. Peter’s honored Jane Harding with the presentation of a silver platter and announced the creation of the Jane Harding Award.

The Silver Platter presented to Jane Harding; and the newly created Jane Harding Award, to be presented annually to a woman of St. Peter’s.

The award, named in honor of Jane Harding, who founded the Women’s Ministry Council, will be presented annually to a woman of St. Peter’s who exhibits exceptionally faithful service and discipleship within the women of St. Peter’s Anglican Cathedral. The award has the following inscription:

The Jane Harding Award
Given in honor of faithful service and discipling to the women of St. Peter’s Anglican Cathedral.
Philippians 4:6

The Silver Platter is engraved with the following:

A Life Dedicated to the Lord and her church
Jane Harding
Founder, Women’s Ministry Council
St. Peter’s Anglican Cathedral
Presented 2024
Philippians 4:6

Philippians 4:6 reads:  “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”

Nominations Sought for Vestry

We will hold our Annual Parish Meeting on May 5, 2024, at 6:30pm. At that meeting, we will elect four new members to the Vestry.

In that regard, we need your help. The election will be from a slate of candidates, and every member of the congregation has the right to suggest nominees to the Nominating Committee during the Nomination Phase. Please begin praying now, asking God to show you the name of anyone you think might be appropriate to serve in this ministry. Nominations may be made from January 21 until February 5, 2024.

Please make nominations by email to Ellen Culpepper or you may submit to her in writing at the parish office.

Questions about this process? Check out the resources below. 

Who may nominate someone?

Any member of St. Peter’s may make a nomination.

How do we know who to nominate?

Read through the Vestry Candidate Criteria and Expectations document linked below; anyone you believe meets at least the criteria listed here can be nominated.

Do we need to ask a person before nominating them?

Yes. The person nominating must have obtained the nominee’s written consent to his or her name being nominated.

What happens to the nominations once made?

After confirming that each nominee meets the canonical requirements to be a vestry member, the Dean sends the full list of eligible nominees to the Nominating Committee.

That committee then prayerfully discerns who God might be calling to serve as a vestry member.

The Nominating Committee then submits the final slate of candidates to the vestry for approval.

The Nominating Committee shall publish the slate of nominees, with a brief biographical sketch of each nominee, to the members of the Parish at least six weeks prior to the Annual Parish meeting. (No later than March 24, 2024)

2023 Vestry Slate

Vestry Slate for 2023

St. Peter’s is grateful to announce the candidates for election to the St. Peter's Vestry. Many names were submitted for consideration, and the Nominating Committee, utilizing the criteria for Vestry membership (linked below), and godly discernment, is pleased to present these four individuals to the parish to stand for election to the St. Peter’s Vestry.

  • Vanessa Zein-Eldin

  • Greg Summers

  • DeWitt Miller

  • Jim Maples

Please begin praying for each of them by name. We are thankful for their willingness to serve the Lord as leaders of our Cathedral.

Members of the Vestry whose terms are being completed are:

  • Johanna Money

  • Jeff Kottkamp

  • Budd Kneip

  • Jim Maples (elected by the Vestry to complete the term of Sam Ashoo)

We are thankful for each of these individuals and for their service and care of this cathedral as members of the Vestry.

The Nominating Committee members are:

Jeff Kottkamp, Chair (outgoing vestry member)
Sam Bennett, Immediate Past Jr. Warden
Cal Melton, Worship Committee Representative
Julie Dombroski, Outreach Committee Representative
Mark Trafton, Charles Simeon Institute Representative
Kathy Ciarlariello, Prayer Ministry Representative

2023 Vestry Slate

Vanessa Zein-Eldin

Vanessa and her husband David have been married for 33+ years and love being parents to two adult children. They have been members of St. Peter's since its founding in 2005. Vanessa earned her Bachelor of Fine Art at the University of North Texas and enjoyed a career in graphic design. She now finds joy in creating mosaics and teaching workshops in her Art Shed. Currently at St. Peter's, Vanessa serves as the Artisans Guild co-chair; leads a high school girls Engage Group; serves in the Parish Visitors Guild; is a delegate to Diocesan Synod; and participates in an Acts Group. She meets weekly with her accountability group; has co-facilitated Beth Moore studies at St. Peter's; and has participated in Bible Study Fellowship for many years.

Greg Summers

Greg grew up in Tallahassee and returned home several years ago after careers as an Air Force officer (23 years total, active and reserve combined, Lt. Colonel) and as an educator. He was a navigator and later taught political science at the United States Air Force Academy. That faculty experience was the bridge to working in civilian life at several private, church-affiliated schools as a teacher, Department Chair, Dean, and Head of School. At St. Peter’s, he is a Verger and Docent. Greg leads an Engage Group of middle school boys and previously led a 12th-grade group. He teaches Youth Confirmation, serves as Living History Coordinator for Family Bible School, and is a Lay Mentor for Charles Simeon Institute Summer Fellows. On the diocesan level, Greg is Chair-elect of the Dynamos Steering Committee.

Dewitt Miller

DeWitt is the President of Miller Glass Company. He has been a member of St. Peter’s since its founding in 2005. He has been active in an Acts Group and men’s ministry, serving as a men’s retreat co-chair. Additionally, he has served as a Verger, on the Search Committee for our Dean, and as a delegate to Diocesan Synod. He is married to Kathy and has two grown children and four grandchildren.

Jim Maples

Jim and Elizabeth were married 55 years ago, in St. John’s Episcopal Church, in Tallahassee. They have two adult sons and two grandchildren. Jim is semi-retired from a career as an executive in the building materials, manufacturing and distribution industry. He has been an active member of St. Peter’s since its founding in 2005. His involvement has included: Vestry, owner’s representative for the construction of the Cathedral, Acts 2:42 group, Men’s Bible study, usher, chair of the Men’s Mission Council, the Dean Search Committee, LEM-V, and volunteer in various mission outreach activities. Jim is currently serving his 10th year on the Board of Trustees of Trinity School for Ministry. 

Members in Good Standing are eligible to vote

Per the St. Peter’s Bylaws, Article I states that a Member in Good Standing is

  1. Baptized;

  2. Over 18 years of age;

  3. A member of the Church for at least six (6) months prior to the date of the vote or election;

  4. Free from ecclesiastical censure;

  5. Regular in his or her attendance at the Church’s services;

  6. A member who contributes his or her time, talents or treasure to the expenses or needs of the Church for at least six (6) months prior to the date of the vote or election; and

  7. Committed to the orthodox doctrine, discipline, and worship of the Church. Orthodox doctrine is defined as the Christian belief that is taught and established in Holy Scripture and stated in the confession of the Nicene and Apostles’ Creed.

June Make Art Monday Photo Recap

The first Make Art Monday of the summer occurred on Monday, June 12 at St. Peter’s Anglican Cathedral. Participants had fun learning how to make pupusas and hand-stamping Salvadoran Folk Art inspired notecards. Thanks to Michelle Ubben for organizing this and to the Guevara family for their gracious teaching and sharing!

The next Make Art Monday will be Monday, July 10, from 6-8:30pm. The focus will be ‘Coastal Inspired Watercolors’ and will be led by Nina Allen Freeman. Register by clicking the button below.

2023 Annual Parish Meeting

We will hold our Annual Parish Meeting on September 10, 2023, at 6:30pm. At that meeting, we will elect a slate of four candidates to the vestry. In that regard, we need your help. The election will be from a slate of candidates, and every member of the congregation has the right to suggest nominees to the Nominating Committee during the Nomination Phase. Please begin praying now, asking God to show you the name of anyone you think might be appropriate to serve in this ministry. Nominations may be made from June 18 to July 9, 2023.

Please make nominations by email to Ellen Culpepper or you may submit to her in writing at the parish office.

Please read the full Annual Meeting and Vestry Nomination letter from Fr. Marcus below. 

Nicaragua Mission Update #2

By Isabella Krizner | Nicaragua Mission 2023

From the first night we arrived in Nicaragua, we were told that we were going to love and serve these people with everything we have. They were right, but I have found that this has been very easy because the people of Nicaragua are so loving to us. Yesterday, I had the privilege to be able to work with the youth of different youth groups from the Twelve Churches ministry at a special conference. The youth were so happy to learn about how to live life in Christ and how to share the Gospel.  They especially enjoyed receiving a certificate for “graduating” from the conference. They really appreciate the small things here. The first couple of minutes started a little rocky with a burning microphone and smoke pouring everywhere because of a power outage.  When this happened, we started talking with the kids to fill the time. It turned out to be one of the most special moments of the entire day. 

Through every challenge we faced, we managed to keep a positive attitude and all the different youth groups began to merge through laughter and these conversations. Not even the language barrier stopped us from having a great time and being able to connect with these kids. Many of them were my age, and it made me really realize no matter how old you are, the language you speak, the money you have, or the country you come from, we are all God’s children. We all face the same struggles but Christ is always the answer in our lives. 

Later that night, our team visited a worship service unlike any I had ever been to before. The joy of the Lord that filled the people was so evident to me as they smiled, laughed, and sang their hearts out to the Lord Almighty. 

This morning, we went on a prayer walk in a community of tinclad houses that was led by three women from the local church. These young women cared about the kids and people of the much.  As we visited each home and shared bags of beans and rice, I saw great poverty beyond what I could imagine.  But my experience with one woman, in particular, stood out to me. She immediately shared Jesus’ name when I asked for hers. Despite her recent surgery pain, her severe arthritis, and, maybe worst of all, her loneliness, she wanted to tell me of Jesus’ great love for her and how he is the one that loves her each and every day.  She showed me what it was to be a true Christian, depending on God. 

After our prayer walk, we put on a VBS for kids at a different local church. No matter what their situations at home looked like, each of them had so much joy. They laughed as they were sprayed with water bottles, they smiled ear to ear as they watched our skit, and they learned about Jesus as they prepared their Pentecost craft. Again, I saw that we are all God’s children. 

No matter our age, the language we speak, the money we have, the country we come from, we all struggle, we all laugh in the same language, and we all can know the love of Christ. This kind of lesson is one best learned with people who are in a different situation than you. That is one of the many reasons why this week has blessed me more than I could ever know. I have already started praying that everyone from our cathedral will come and see Jesus through the wonderful people of Nicaragua. 

Isabella Krizner, thirteen, is the youngest member of the St. Peter’s team

Nicaragua Mission Update

by Anne Osterhaus | Nicaragua Mission 2023

Today was the team’s first full day in Nicaragua, after a smooth (if not tiring) weekend of traveling through the airports. We were able to start the day with Morning Prayer before breakfast, which was prepared for us by our gracious hosts here in the hostel. Our teams then split up into three groups: Shopping, construction, and clergy meeting.

Construction left first and spent the day mixing concrete to help build a floor for one of the local churches down here. The market/shopping team headed out to see the open-air market and explore. We saw lots of dogs, cats, and pigs’ heads where the vendors would use fly swatters to prevent flies from landing on the meat. The trip was both a cultural learning and team success, bringing home both these stories and the supplies that we needed to make the Vacation Bible School a success! As VBS is happening on Wednesday, we will send you a report then once it has happened. After we went to the market, we went to the Maxipali, which is similar to Wal-Mart, but green rather than blue! It was a cool experience to see before returning to the hostel.

The clergy meeting team went to meet with the pastors down here involved with Twelve Churches/Doce Iglesias. They were able to learn more about their mission and about the real people involved with it.

In the afternoon, we engaged in team building by putting together supply bags and hygiene bags for the upcoming prayer walk, as well as preparing for the Youth Conference which we’ll run tomorrow. All went well and we are excited to work with the youths that we will meet!

Our hostel hosts are wonderful enough to have made both breakfast and dinner for us, which we certainly appreciate (and enjoy!). After dinner, we broke for Circle Time, which we engage in together every night for a time of fellowship, worship/devotions, and prayer. A summer intern (who I knew!) joined us, as well as her Nicaraguan roommate, who shared a bit about what they do with Twelve Churches. We will be ending the night with some pool volleyball, a highly competitive event on this team!

All in all, it has been a great start to our week. We look forward to what will come and how God will continue to move on this trip!

St. Peter's Artisans June Devotional

Time For A Reset

by Christie Grant

The month of May is over, and many feel the impact of the past month. I heard it called “Maycember.” It felt like a marathon of sprints from first communion to a piano, ballet, and Shakespeare performances, entertaining family who came to town, the excitement (and relief) of a graduation ceremony, putting on a party to celebrate, the grief of one season ending, the excitement for summer plans, not to mention work demands for meetings and never-ending deadlines. It leaves one exhausted and ready for a reset! But now June has arrived, and it is a time to take a deep breath and find rest, restoration and to ground yourself once again.

One of my favorite places to go for that reset is St. Mark’s Wildlife Refuge. Beginning at the drive from Tallahassee to the park, to when the park ranger greets you and you wind your way under the oak canopy to the nature center, to the staccato of the sun peppering you with shadow and light through the tall stately pine forest before breaking out into the sunlight where the sprawling lush saltwater flats open to the wide endless sky, to the first view of the lighthouse - I feel my soul transform. Little by little and moment by moment, the tension leaves and the magnificence of God’s creation on this little stretch of coastline helps me to reset, take a deep breath and worship the Creator, God of the universe. I once again become small. I breathe in the Glory of God. My senses come to life again through the sun and wind in my face, the smell of gulf in the air, the rustling of the palm trees, the lapping of the water and the sand in between my toes, and my spirit finds restoration. I rest.

Be still, and know that I am God.
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth! - Ps 46:10

Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;
his greatness no one can fathom.
One generation commends your works to another;
they tell me of your might acts.
The speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty –
And I will meditate on your wonderful works.
They tell of the power of your awesome works-
And I will proclaim you great deeds. - Psalm 145:3-6

Christie Grant is the artist behind Larks and Lines. She is married to John and they have two grown sons and one daughter-in-love.

2022 Summer Fellows

Ryan Cecil grew up in the Piedmont region of North Carolina. He was fortunate to grow up in the church built on his great-grandparents’ farm, laying the foundation for his walk with the Lord. Prior to receiving a call to ministry in 2019, he had a 17-year career in the furniture industry both in design and marketing. He was led to TSM, and will be entering his senior year this fall, serving as student body president. In his spare time, he enjoys hiking, kayaking, exploring back roads, history, horticulture, a good book, and anything to do with animals!

Joseph Reigle grew up in Binghamton, NY. He studied city planning at Cornell University, where he met his wife, Carley. After graduating, he served as a campus minister with Chesterton House—a Christian study center and residential community at Cornell. He aspires to serve the Anglican Church as a minister. Most recently, he finished his first year in the M.Div program at Duke Divinity School.

Dan Omar was born in Marsabit, a small town in the northern part of Kenya. He attended the Reformed Theological College in Kampala, Uganda, and received a BA in Christian Education. While continuing his studies at TSM, he met his wife Cesiah, and they were married in June 2021. He recently graduated from TSM on May 14, 2022 with a Master of Divinity. He hopes to begin the ordination process soon, as he and Cesiah are discerning a missionary call on their lives. They both enjoy hiking, riding, and reading.

2022 Vestry Slate

Vestry Slate for 2022

St. Peter’s is grateful to announce the candidates for election to the St. Peter's Vestry and Synod Delegation. Many names were submitted for consideration, and the Nominating Committee, utilizing the criteria for Vestry membership, and godly discernment, is pleased to present these eight individuals to the parish to stand for election to the St. Peter’s Vestry & Synod Delegation.

  • Tom Crapps

  • Chad Hess

  • Chuck Lang

  • Joyce McNeill

  • Dee Dee Medina

  • Rick Mosby

  • Rachel Nordby

  • Vanessa Zein-Eldin

Please begin praying for each of them by name. We are thankful for their willingness to serve the Lord as leaders of our Cathedral.

Four of these individuals will be elected to serve on the Vestry. We will also need to elect one delegate to Diocesan Synod. The easiest way to handle that is to elect the first person on the ballot who isn’t elected to the Vestry, to serve a three-year term as a delegate. At the Annual Parish Meeting on June 12 at 6:30pm, you will select four names on your ballot. The top four vote recipients will be elected to the Vestry. The fifth-placed person will be elected to serve as a delegate to Diocesan Synod.

As you pray and discern who God is calling to lead and represent our parish, please reference the Criteria & Expectations for Members of the St. Peter's Vestry linked in the button below.

Candidates for Election to the Vestry

Tom Crapps

Tom is married to Cris Martinez and they have 3 children, Porter, Grace and Mercy. He was baptized at St John's Episcopal Church and has been a member of St. Peter’s since it was founded in 2005. He loves St Peter's and our focus on Mission work. Tom has served St. Peter’s and our diocese in the following roles: Vestry Sr Warden 2006–07; Chancellor for Diocese 2010–12; Standing Committee 2018–22.

Chad Hess

Chad B. Hess (47) has been married to Tracey for 19 years. They have twin boys, Tanner and Peyton. Chad grew up attending Catholic school and church, serving as an altar boy through high school. At age 20, God led him to the Episcopal/Anglican world. Chad and Tracey joined St. Peter's the year it was founded. Over the years, Chad has served as an Alpha Course small group leader and course emcee, Children's Chapel teacher, Sunday School teacher, LEM, verger, Synod delegate, and CSI Mentor. While living in Charleston from 2017 to 2021, he served as a Sunday School teacher, LEM, and guest speaker at historic St. Philip's Church. Chad is passionate about the future of orthodox Anglicanism. Before joining Tracey in 2021 at their company, Brown Dog Outdoor, where he does billboard graphic design, he worked as a litigation attorney for 21 years.

Chuck Lang

Chuck Lang has been married to Patty for nearly 29 years. They have three sons, Charlie (23), Jonathan (19), and Collin (18). Chuck has worked for many years in technology sales in the government sector and currently works in IT sales for Oracle, a software company. He loves all things St. Peter’s and serving through our many amazing ministries. He has volunteered in many roles through the years, from clean-up and parking to teaching classes and serving on various committees, including as Chair of the Dean Search Committee. Currently, he feels blessed to serve within the Missions & Evangelism Prison ministry, in Children’s and Youth Ministries as a Sunday School teacher and Engage group leader, and as a Sunday morning usher.

Joyce McNeill

Joyce McNeill has been a member of St. Peter’s since its founding in 2005. She is married to Mac and together, they have two grown children and six grandchildren. Joyce loves playing tennis, walking, traveling, being at the beach, and spending time with her grandchildren. Over the years, her involvement at St. Peter’s has included serving as a VBS volunteer, on the Women’s Ministry Council and Retreat Committee, as a Children’s Chapel volunteer, Greeter, Intercessory Prayer Minister, and with the Bereavement Ministry. She is active in the Mary & Martha Guild and Bible Studies, including her ACTS 2:42 Group. Joyce was also blessed to serve on the Dean Search Committee.

Dee Dee Medina

Dee Dee Medina and John, her husband of 33 years have been members of St. Peter’s since 2006. They have three children, John (J.A.) Medina, Jr. (30), Harvard Medina (28), and Mary Claire Medina (25) and recently welcomed a new family member, as John Jr. married Sarah Zambetti Medina in December 2021. As a member of St. Peter’s, Dee Dee has taught Sunday School, volunteered during the Dynamos weekends, served in the community-wide missions (i.e., Love at Work), participated in Women’s Retreats, and is a member of an ACTS 2:42 Group. Over the years, Dee Dee and her family have supported global missions, the Acolyte program, the Charles Simeon Institute, and many other essential programs in the life of St. Peter’s.

Rick Mosby

Rick Mosby retired as Deputy Chief of Plans, Air Force Space Forces, in the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Rick began attending St. Peter’s after retiring from Martin County High School in Stuart, FL, where he worked as AFJROTC’s Senior Aerospace Science Instructor. While living in Stuart, he spent 15 years volunteering at his church as a high school youth leader, photographer, and Church Security Officer. Rick served on the Dean Search Committee. Rick was appointed Director of Safety at St. Peter’s and heads the security teams that are responsible for ensuring the safety of parishioners and guests attending our services. He and Dolores have been married for 41 years, and have two adult children and two grandchildren. His hobbies include piloting his Piper Pathfinder and wildlife photography.

Rachel Nordby

Rachel has been a member of St. Peter's since 2011. She and her husband, Daniel, have three very active children - Andrew (12), Peter (10), and Katie (8). Rachel was born and raised here in Tallahassee, earned her B.A. in Classical Studies from the University of Florida, and graduated with her J.D. from FSU Law School. She currently serves as a Lay Eucharistic Minister.  Over the years, she has volunteered with several ministries/events: Children's Ministry, Mom to Mom, Children's Ministry Greeter, VBS Tribe Leader/Assistant Leader, Sunday School substitute teacher, Children's Ministry Advisory Council, English Fayre, Alpha dinner preparation/serving.

Vanessa Zein-Eldin

Vanessa Zein-Eldin and her husband David have been married 32+ years and have two amazing grown children. They have been members of St. Peter's since its founding in 2005. Vanessa earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at the University of North Texas and enjoys a career in graphic design and mosaic art. Currently, at St. Peter's, Vanessa serves as the Artisans Guild co-chair; leads a high school girls Engage Group; serves in the Parish Visitors Guild; and participates in an ACTS 2:42 group. She has co-facilitated Beth Moore studies at St. Peter's; meets weekly with an accountability group; and has participated in Bible Study Fellowship for many years.

Members in Good Standing are eligible to vote

Per the St. Peter’s Bylaws, Article I states that a Member in Good Standing is

  1. Baptized;

  2. Over 18 years of age;

  3. A member of the Church for at least six (6) months prior to the date of the vote or election;

  4. Free from ecclesiastical censure;

  5. Regular in his or her attendance at the Church’s services;

  6. A member who contributes his or her time, talents or treasure to the expenses or needs of the Church for at least six (6) months prior to the date of the vote or election; and

  7. Committed to the orthodox doctrine, discipline, and worship of the Church. Orthodox doctrine is defined as the Christian belief that is taught and established in Holy Scripture and stated in the confession of the Nicene and Apostles’ Creed.

The Rev'd Alex Farmer Elected Second Bishop of Gulf Atlantic Diocese

Press Release from The Rev’d Canon Christopher M Klukas, Canon for Communications | The Gulf Atlantic Diocese of the Anglican Church in North America

The Rev’d Alex Farmer, Bishop-Elect
Photo: St. Peter’s Communications

Tallahassee, Florida (14 May 2022)– Today at St. Peter’s Cathedral, Clergy & Lay Delegates to a Special Meeting of the Synod of the Gulf Atlantic Diocese of the Anglican Church in North America elected the Rev’d Charles Alexander (Alex) Farmer to be the second bishop of the diocese. Pending the consent of the College of Bishops of the Anglican Church in North America at their next meeting in June, Bishop-Elect Farmer will be consecrated at St. Peter’s Cathedral on Saturday, 27 August 2022.

Fr. Farmer was ordained in 2000 after serving an Episcopal church for three years as a youth minister. In 2002 he was called to St. Michael’s Episcopal Church in Gainsville, FL a declining church in need of revitalization. In 2006 he and the members of St. Michaels re-organized to found Servants of Christ Anglican Church where he continues to serve as Rector. He is also the priest in charge of Camp Araminta, a week-long summer camp ministry of the Gulf Atlantic Diocese. Fr. Alex has been married to his wife, Jody, for 31 years. They have three adult children and three grandchildren.

Following the election, Bishop-Elect Farmer addressed the synod saying, “I’m joyful to serve as your next bishop. There is much to take in and lots of things to consider in the transition period between now and August, so I beg your prayers as we learn how to do this work that God has called us to do. I’ve seen the work that we can do to be an instrument for God to bring people into the kingdom of God. I’m excited to go where the Lord is calling us.”

Bishop-Elect Farmer with Bishop Neil Lebhar, Bishop Bill Murdoch, Lay Servers and the four Deans of the Gulf Atlantic Diocese (GAD).
L-R: The Very Rev’d Andrew Rowell (Rector of Christchurch, Montgomery, AL; Western Deanery), The Very Rev’d Mike McDonald (Rector of Grace Anglican Church, Fleming Island, FL; Northeastern Deanery), Mr. Billy Gomer (Lay Server), The Rt. Rev’d Neil Lebhar (Bishop of GAD), The Rev’d Alex Farmer (Bishop-Elect of GAD; Rector of Servants of Christ, Gainesville, FL), The Rt. Rev’d Bill Murdoch (Retired Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of New England), Mr. James Kaiser (Lay Server), The Very Rev’d Canon Keith Allen (Rector of Christ Church, Vero Beach, FL; Southern Deanery); The Very Rev’d Marcus Kaiser (Dean & Rector of St. Peter’s Cathedral, Tallahassee, FL; Central Deanery)
Photo: St. Peter’s Communications

“We are so grateful to the Lord Jesus, the head of the Church, for being present with us in our prayerful process as we called the Rev. Alex Farmer to be the next bishop of our diocese.” remarked the Rt. Rev. Neil Lebhar, current Bishop of the Gulf Atlantic Diocese. “He loves the Lord and the Lord’s people and has a deep desire that everyone will hear the gospel. We ask everyone’s prayers for the Farmer family and the diocese in this season of transition.”

Bishop Neil Lebhar announced his intention to retire and called for the election of a new Bishop on May 14, 2021. A Bishop Nominating Committee was soon commissioned to receive nominations and present a slate of candidates through interviews, careful vetting, and much prayer. The Rev. John Wallace and the Rev. Alex Farmer were announced to the diocese as candidates on March 15, 2022. The Constitution and Canons of the diocese require that voting for the election of a Bishop be done in two orders (clergy and lay) with a 2/3 majority in both orders necessary for an election. Fr. Farmer was elected on the second ballot with 70% of the lay votes and 72% of the clergy votes.

The Gulf Atlantic Diocese was founded in 2009 and elected the Rt. Rev. Neil Lebhar as its first bishop at that time. Today it has grown from 14 churches to more than 40 churches across Florida, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi. Our mission is to proclaim the transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ in every facet of our faith and life.

Annual Parish Meeting for 2022

We will hold our Annual Parish Meeting on June 12th, 2022, at 6:30PM. At that meeting, we will elect a new class of the vestry. In that regard, we need your help. The election will be from a slate of candidates, and every member of the congregation has the right to suggest nominees to the Nominating Committee. This is the same process we used last year. Please begin praying now, asking God to show you the name of anyone you think might be appropriate to serve this in ministry.

As an overview, the process will look like this:

  • 4.25.22 – 5.15.22: Nominations open to the congregation

  • 5.15.22 – 5.29.22: Nominating Committee narrow and solicit candidates from a list of nominees

  • 5.30.22: Final slate published to the congregation (ideally a slate of 8 names for 4 spots)

  • 6.12.22: Elections at Annual Parish Meeting.

Please make nominations by email to Ellen Culpepper at Ellen@StPetersFL.com or you may submit nominations to her in writing at the parish office.

We will also need to elect one delegate to Diocesan Synod. The easiest way to handle that is to elect the first person on the ballot who isn’t elected to the vestry to serve a three-year term as a delegate.

Please read the full Annual Meeting and Vestry Nomination letter from Fr. Marcus below. 

St. Peter’s Artisans March Devotional

Did you know the St. Peter's Artisans share a devotion each month? You can find the March devotion below. If you're interested in being part of the St. Peter's Artisans and/or contributing a devotion, reach out to Vanessa Zein-Eldin.

Written and distributed by Vanessa Zein-Eldin

Hello! Welcome to the month of March - AND the season of Lent.

Lent is a time where we commit to praying and fasting and intentionally spending time with our Lord. There are lots of wonderful resources, but I always like to point people (creatives especially) to The Lent Project - a digital devotion published by Biola University Center for Christianity Culture and the Arts.

They do a fabulous job of combining Scripture, a reflection and various carefully curated art forms (music, visual art, poetry) to provide a daily devotion right to your inbox - and it's free! You may sign up by clicking the button provided above. (If you were receiving the Advent emails, you will automatically receive these Lent publications.)

Tomorrow (3.2) is Ash Wednesday and there will be 3 services at St. Peter's - 7am, noon and 7pm. Don't forget to pickup our very own Lenten devotional booklet written by fellow parishioners! The cover art is by artist Kurt Caddy - we will soon have his triptych titled "Doxology" exhibited downstairs on the Gallery Wall. His abstracts are beautifully meaningful. More info to come... but in the meantime, you may check out his work by clicking the button below.

"You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you." Isaiah 26:3

World Missions Sunday 2022

Congregations throughout the Anglican Church in North America celebrated World Missions Sunday on the twentieth of February 2022. More than 36 individuals representing dozens of Missions & Evangelism Ministry Partners were present for a Ministry Fair between morning services.

Sunday was also the culmination of St. Peter’s first-ever Great Commission Pledge Campaign–an initiative to increase what St. Peter’s is able to share beyond our own Cathedral walls. The unofficial total amount pledged to the Great Commission Pledge is over one hundred thousand dollars–Praise God! We can’t wait to see how God uses this generosity to bless His church through the Charles Simeon Institute and our Eight Missions & Evangelism Cores!

See photos from the morning below!

Over 200 Women Gather At St. Peter's For Women's Mini-Retreat With Susan Yates

More than 200 women gathered at the Cathedral last Friday evening and Saturday morning into the afternoon for worship, prayer, fellowship, and teaching. Renowned speaker and author, Susan Alexander Yates gave those in attendance ‘Eight Keys to Discovering Our Generous God.’

The Women’s Ministry Council worked tirelessly in planning this wonderful retreat, adorning the Cathedral with beautiful camellias, table settings, and refreshments!

Enjoy some photos below and follow the links below to hear Susan Yates’ talks and see more photos from the weekend!

St. Peter's Artisans Monthly Devotional

Photo by Henry Miller

The following is an excerpt from A Place of Beauty: A 21-Day Devotional for Artists published by United Adoration, edited by Catherine Miller, released November 2021. It is available for purchase at the St. Peter’s Cathedral Bookstore; at The Bookshelf and Rayann’s Christian Bookstore in Thomasville, GA; and online through Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Reprinted here with permission.

Imagination and the Nature of God
by Catherine Miller

"All creatures look to you to give them their food at the proper time. When you give it to them, they gather it up; when you open your hand, they are satisfied with good things." Psalm 104:27-28

My view of God changed dynamically when I began to connect with the Creator as an artist. Until a few years ago, I never saw myself in the stories of the Bible, although I longed to be like the brave heroine Esther. I didn’t know about the artist Bezalel (Exodus 31) or Chenaniah, the Levite who oversaw the musicians (1 Chronicles 15:22). Seeing the wonder of the world as the canvas of a Master Artist has helped me find myself in God’s grand story. He painted the skies with the stars, shaped the planets, poured the oceans, breathed life into the birds. With creativity and color, he made hummingbirds that flap their wings at fifty-three beats per second and designed the abdomen of the venomous peacock spider in shades of iridescent blue and red. With humor and imagination, he made the sea monster, Leviathan, to play with (Psalm 104:26). God creates for his own pleasure.

I almost gave up being a musician a few years ago. I remember thinking, If I can’t make money as a pianist, songwriter or writer, what’s the point? Does anybody care about my music? Why bother trying? As a stay-at-home mom, I was struggling to make money in my chosen profession. I remember sitting at home one day, crying. Is this what my life is going to be like? Why did I bother going to music school? My day was filled with changing poopy diapers and folding mountains of laundry, and the sudden change from work to home left me feeling alone and overwhelmed. I was depressed. My self-worth was wrapped up in my external works and vocation.

But as my children have grown, my eyes have been opened to view the world through their eyes. As they express their curiosity and cherish the horseshoe crab, the cardinal, and the sunflower, I find that the fragrant smell of jasmine on my back porch or a moonlit walk on a hot summer night offer glimpses of the Artist. If God created a sea monster for sheer joy and pleasure, how might that translate to my artistry as a mother? Might I, too, create simply because I take pleasure in making?

My work as an artist is an act of worship. I can play piano, sing, and write songs and essays because it brings me joy and blesses the people around me. Time spent connecting to God enriches my creativity and nurtures my soul, making me a better mother. This is who I am. I am an artist, a mother, and a child of God. I don’t have to choose. Horatius Bonar’s hymn, “Not What My Hands Have Done” (1864) speaks to this. He says that our works cannot bring us salvation or peace with God; we must dwell on his work and his grace alone. The final verse says:

I praise the God of grace;
I trust his truth and might;
he calls me his, I call him mine,
my God, my joy, my light.
’Tis he who saveth me,
and freely pardon gives;
I love because he loveth me,
I live because he lives.

Our work as artists connects us to a Creator whose works are beautiful and precious to him. We nurture our souls when we spend time in God’s Word, learning who he is; when we create, reflecting his glory; and when we bask in nature, inspired by the wondrous diversity of God’s creation.

From the song “O Great Physician” by Catherine and Henry Miller

Creator God, create in me
A soul that yearns for you
Creator God, create in me
A mind that loves your truth
Creator God, create in me
A heart that sings your praise
Creator God, create in me
A will that walks your ways

Catherine is a singer-songwriter, writer, and pianist. Originally hailing from Miami, she moved to Tallahassee for college in 2005 and met Henry soon thereafter, marrying him after a courtship of three years. Three kids, two cats, a dog, and twelve years later, they enjoy working together, editing and songwriting as a couple. Catherine holds a BME from Florida State University and is working on her master’s in worship studies at The Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies in Jacksonville, Florida.

Henry is a poet, writer, and father of three rambunctious boys. He enjoys Nerf battles, Wendell Berry, and agri-ventures with his family.

Cathedral Hosts Synod of the Gulf Atlantic Diocese

St. Peter’s Cathedral hosted the Synod of the Gulf Atlantic Diocese of the Anglican Church in North America Friday, 5 November and Saturday, 6 November 2021.

Clergy, Lay Delegates, and other diocesan guests representing the forty parishes and missions of the diocese met at the cathedral for the annual business meeting and fellowship. The weekend began with a reception and dinner served by volunteers from St. Peter’s and coordinated largely by Diane Biederman, Tina Campbell, Amy Cooksey, and many others. Dinner was followed by a service of Holy Eucharist Friday evening where Bishop Neil Lebhar preached and celebrated. It was his final Synod as Diocesan Bishop.

Musical worship was led Friday evening by Cathedral Organist Mr. Chris Garven, the Cathedral Choir, Mr. Wendell Kimbrough (guitar/vocals), and Mrs. Catherine Miller (piano/vocals).

Saturday began with a service of Morning Prayer from the Daily Office, led by Dean of the cathedral, The Very Rev’d Marcus Kaiser, and followed by the Bishop’s ‘Call to Order’ and declaration of a quorum. Several workshops were offered throughout the day.

Mr. David Mica, Sr., and The Rev’d Canon Matthew R. Wilkins were elected to Diocesan Council as Lay and Clergy Representatives, respectively.

The president of the Standing Committee, The Rev’d John Wallace, led all those present in laying hands on and praying for Bishop Neil Lebhar.

The next meeting of the Synod of the Gulf Atlantic Diocese will be a Special Meeting of the Synod for the Purpose of Electing a Bishop and will be held at St. Peter’s Cathedral on Saturday, 14 May 2022.

Hallelujah Day Reflection

If I had to share one statement that captures my experience of last Sunday's Hallelujah Day in partnership with New Destiny Church, it would be this, the phrase "God is Good All the Time" is a massive understatement. I'm not knocking the phrase; I'm acknowledging the incomprehensible love and goodness of our God.

I was so encouraged and built-up in the faith seeing my fellow parishioners seek to love and serve others. I had already visited New Destiny Church, located just outside of Quincy, but the rest of the parishioners who came to serve had never been to this small rural Church.

Seeing so many show up to a place they had never been before to give of themselves, not knowing what to expect, was a deep encouragement for me, and I hope it was for everyone else.

Throughout the day, each time I looked up, I saw our parishioners being the hands and the feet of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I saw a father and son interacting with and helping members of the New Destiny congregation hand out care packages of food. Our youth played games and interacted with people they had never seen or met before. My favorite moment of the day was watching a parishioner spending time with a single mom and her children. This young mother lives in the surrounding neighborhood. She, too, came not knowing anyone or what to expect. What she found was someone who spent time with her and her children. Just making ourselves present to the moment and others is a powerful gift of love and care.

As I recollect, it seems most of us got lost in the moment of this beautiful day Jesus provided us all to be in Him and to be His hands and feet to love and serve others. We began the day in the St. Peter’s parking lot discussing the radical transformation that took place in the lives of those who encountered Jesus along the way in the Bible, such as the Apostle Paul, the Samaritan woman, or the man healed from his blindness. The goal is to encounter Christ in all that we do, that we might be transformed by him so we can then lead others to His transforming love.

If you are interested in being a part of the Partnered Evangelism ministry, please reach out to Michael Thompson at michaelthompson43@gmail.com. God leads us, and we couldn't be more excited to see what He will do.

40 Days for Life Vigil

A reflection on the Tallahassee 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil

40 Days for Life is an internationally coordinated 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful all-day vigil in front of abortion businesses. Founded in 2007, it reaches 1000 sites in 63 countries and has saved many lives. It is a peaceful and educational presence. Those who are called to stand witness during this 24-hour-a-day presence send a powerful message to the community about the tragic reality of abortion. It also serves as a call to repentance for those who work at the abortion center and those who patronize the facility.  The vigils are held twice a year, in the Fall and during Lent.

It is important to note that 40 Days for Life is primarily about Prayer, Fasting, and Community Outreach. It's not a form of protest as many people think whenever they see signs held up along a roadway. The signs are meant to let our fellow Tallahasseeans know what we are doing and to share our message. It's amazing to me that so many people who drive by Planned Parenthood each day don't even know it's there, much less what real horror takes place within its walls. The need to pray and fast for the change of heart in our community and in our world is essential. 

Tallahassee has maintained a 40 Days for Life vigil for many years, previously praying in front of North Florida Women’s Services. Since the opening of the Planned Pregnancy facility on West Tennessee St., we have held the vigil on the public right of way in front of that facility. During the 40 days, individuals and groups come for an hour or more at a time to pray. We are very happy to speak with anyone about our purpose and beliefs but always with love and always in peace. Each week we hold at least one prayer service at the site and usually, groups come at other times for periods of prayer.

During the vigil, which ended 30 October, we had a faithful group that came each week in the evening on Thursday and a supporter who provided guitar music to enrich the service. On Thursday, 21 October, St. Peter’s came in force to the prayer service. Fr. Bill Krizner conducted the service, and a large group was there to witness to all the people driving by on W. Tennessee St. as well as to the employees of the facility, which stays open on Thursdays until 7:00pm. It was a warm and spiritual time, with thoughtful, meaningful prayers offered for the precious lives ended inside the Planned Parenthood facility.

The next campaign will begin on Ash Wednesday, 2 March 2022. The website is 40daysforlife.com and I urge everyone to sign up so you will receive notices and can become familiar with a very special, very important mission.

 19 Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not cast it out?” 20 He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” –Matthew 17:19-21