by Anne Osterhaus | Nicaragua Mission 2023
Today was the team’s first full day in Nicaragua, after a smooth (if not tiring) weekend of traveling through the airports. We were able to start the day with Morning Prayer before breakfast, which was prepared for us by our gracious hosts here in the hostel. Our teams then split up into three groups: Shopping, construction, and clergy meeting.
Construction left first and spent the day mixing concrete to help build a floor for one of the local churches down here. The market/shopping team headed out to see the open-air market and explore. We saw lots of dogs, cats, and pigs’ heads where the vendors would use fly swatters to prevent flies from landing on the meat. The trip was both a cultural learning and team success, bringing home both these stories and the supplies that we needed to make the Vacation Bible School a success! As VBS is happening on Wednesday, we will send you a report then once it has happened. After we went to the market, we went to the Maxipali, which is similar to Wal-Mart, but green rather than blue! It was a cool experience to see before returning to the hostel.
The clergy meeting team went to meet with the pastors down here involved with Twelve Churches/Doce Iglesias. They were able to learn more about their mission and about the real people involved with it.
In the afternoon, we engaged in team building by putting together supply bags and hygiene bags for the upcoming prayer walk, as well as preparing for the Youth Conference which we’ll run tomorrow. All went well and we are excited to work with the youths that we will meet!
Our hostel hosts are wonderful enough to have made both breakfast and dinner for us, which we certainly appreciate (and enjoy!). After dinner, we broke for Circle Time, which we engage in together every night for a time of fellowship, worship/devotions, and prayer. A summer intern (who I knew!) joined us, as well as her Nicaraguan roommate, who shared a bit about what they do with Twelve Churches. We will be ending the night with some pool volleyball, a highly competitive event on this team!
All in all, it has been a great start to our week. We look forward to what will come and how God will continue to move on this trip!