Missions & Evangelism

At St. Peter’s Anglican Cathedral, we know that God is revealing His beautiful Kingdom here on earth in so many different ways. Our focus in being part of Gospel work is centered in eight different areas or “Cores” that provide multiple opportunities to partner with Him in very specific ways. Each Core has a several Ministry Partners to help us accomplish that work. Ministry Partners are selected based on an identified need/partnership. Often, this comes through a parishioner who has a heart for a specific issue or place. There are other metrics used to determine the viability of partnership and support. Lay leadership has to be in place before a ministry partner is agreed upon- and most importantly, it has to be an opportunity for St. Peter’s parishioners to love God and love their neighbor with the love of Christ. We invite you to explore the many ways to be involved in the work of the Lord through our Core connections.

What part does God want you to play in taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth? Where are your “missional feet” taking you?

Come see how the Lord is at work in and through St. Peter’s, and find out how you can be a part of it!

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