St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral Institutes New Dean and Rector — St Peter's Anglican Cathedral

St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral Institutes New Dean and Rector

Front Row L–R: Bishop Neil Lebhar, Fr. Marcus Kaiser, Archbishop Foley Beach, and Archbishop Robert Duncan pose with clergy of St. Peter’s and visiting clergy of the Gulf Atlantic Diocese.

Front Row L–R: Bishop Neil Lebhar, Fr. Marcus Kaiser, Archbishop Foley Beach, and Archbishop Robert Duncan pose with clergy of St. Peter’s and visiting clergy of the Gulf Atlantic Diocese.

Tallahassee, FL - On Sunday, June 20, The Very Reverend Marcus A. Kaiser, Sr. was instituted as Dean and Rector of St. Peter’s Anglican Cathedral by the Right Reverend Neil G. Lebhar, Bishop of the Gulf Atlantic Diocese in the Anglican Church in North America. The service of institution was a welcome celebration of Fr. Marcus’ new ministry in Tallahassee through the Cathedral – a ministry that actually began last fall on the first of November.

The Most Reverend Dr. Foley Beach, Archbishop and Primate of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) shared in the celebration and in an interview said: “This [Fr. Marcus] is God’s leader in this place. As a province, we’re counting on you [St. Peter’s Cathedral] to be faithful to your calling.” 

Regarding the unique circumstance of instituting the Dean of a Cathedral who functions also as the Rector of the Parish, Bishop Neil Lebhar said the following: “Fr. Marcus is being instituted not just for the life of this congregation, but for the life of the diocese as well because the cathedral is the visible symbol of our unity. The Cathedral is the home base of our diocese and it has a long history of raising up leaders for our diocese and beyond.” 

The Most Reverend Robert Duncan, Archbishop Emeritus of the ACNA, said “St. Peter’s is not only a Cathedral for the Gulf Atlantic Diocese, but it functions as a metro-political Cathedral. It has a role in the diocese, but also an important role in the province [ACNA].”

Asked for his vision for the future of St. Peter’s, Fr. Marcus Kaiser said: “We [St. Peter’s] need to understand our calling to the local community so that we can build on that to be a resource for the entire diocese. Part of what we are called to be is a resource for other parishes. If we can be a healthy parish impacting the local community in Tallahassee, we can impact the world beyond. This work is important because the world needs Jesus Christ. We’ve been given the greatest treasure that has ever been entrusted to mankind in Jesus.”

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