Please take a few minutes to watch this video from Fr. Marcus addressing the parishioners of St. Peter's.
Fr. Marcus is a Florida native. He is married to Kim (since 1999) and has four boys: James (18), Jacob (15), Sam (9), and Mac (7). He received his Bachelor of Science from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1998 and his Master of Divinity at The Nashotah House Theological Seminary in 2009. He has served as Rector of Church of the Holy Comforter in Sumter, SC since 2014, and Associate Rector since 2009.
Fr. Marcus comes to St. Peter’s with a strong background in leadership and experience. He served in the U.S. Navy as a Surface Warfare Officer from 1998-2006 before going to seminary. He served as an alumni representative at Nashotah House Theological Seminary Board of Trustees from 2012–2015. He serves on the SOMA-USA (Sharing of Ministries Abroad) Board of Directors since 2015 and the ACNA Liturgy and Common Worship Task Force since 2014. In January 2020, he was appointed by the Archbishop of the ACNA to succeed Abp. Duncan as Chairman.
“I was raised in a faithful Roman Catholic family, but was never truly a disciple of Christ in my early years. While in college, God gave me the strength to stop trying to run my own life and accept the radical call of Jesus. He then sent me the love of my life, a Pentecostal girl named Kim, and led us both to the Anglican tradition. There we found a place where the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all equally worshiped and glorified. Although I loved the Navy, God made it clear that He was calling me to a different service. After two decades of leadership experience, my deep desire remains to lead and mentor others and to equip the saints for the work of ministry. Only together can God’s people fulfill our call to make disciples of the nations, engaging a lost and wounded world with the saving love of Jesus Christ.”