The following article appeared in the 24 October edition of The Keys
What is Connections Sunday? Really, it's every Sunday, but today especially, as we delve deeper into a Parish Rule of Life, it's an opportunity to re-engage with the various ministries of St. Peter's both within our walls and beyond these walls in the world. Each of us is encouraged to seriously consider what it means to be living into the Parish Rule of Life. On the two previous Sundays, we heard about two of the four components of a Parish Rule of Life: Worship & Prayer and Discipleship. Today’s sermon covers the third component, Community, and next Sunday we will hear a sermon on the fourth component, Missions.
So today... today is Connections Sunday!
Connections Sunday is especially focused on helping us all live into the Community and Missions components, which can be described simply as:
'Building up the Church'
'Sharing in God’s mission to the world'
Community ministries are centered on a commitment to sharing in the common priesthood (service) of St. Peter’s for the purpose of building up Christ’s body in this place. Each of the ministries within this realm has a display set up in the North Transept.
Missions ministries are centered on the commitment to sharing in the common priesthood (service) of St. Peter’s for the purpose of sharing in the mission to which God has called us in the world. Each of the ministries within this realm has a display set up in the South Transept.
Please walk through the displays with the purpose of discerning where and how God may be calling you to new service of Him in the life of our parish. If you are already involved in a Community ministry, consider looking for a place of service in a Missions ministry. If you are already involved in a Missions ministry, consider looking for a place of service in a Community ministry.
Each ministry has a way through which you may indicate your interest. This is not a sign-up or commitment form, rather a means of providing further information to aid in your discernment! If you leave your name, someone from that ministry will contact you to help discern your involvement. Please walk through the transepts and see where God might be calling you to serve!
Thank you for the many ways in which you are already serving! Please continue to serve as you are called, even as you seek to further your commitment to Christ's body in this place and God's mission in the world.