Welcome to St. Peter’s Anglican Cathedral!
As Anglicans, our pattern of worship is shaped both by Scripture and the tradition of the Church through the centuries. Our mission is to reach Tallahassee and the world with the transforming love of Jesus Christ. In worship, discipleship, and mission – hospitably, humbly, and faithfully – we seek to lead the Gulf Atlantic Diocese and the whole Anglican movement forward. We invite you to share in the fullness of our life in Christ!
Holy Communion in Contemporary Language | 9am*
Holy Communion in Traditional Language | 11:15am
Holy Communion in Contemporary Language | 5pm
Eucharist & Healing | 12:10pm
Compline | 7:30pm (during the class semester)
Morning Prayer | Monday–Friday | 9am
Evening Prayer | Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday | 4:30pm
Cathedral Office
Monday–Thursday | 9am-5pm
Friday | 9am-Noon
Cathedral Books & Gifts
Tuesday and Thursday | 10am–3pm
Wednesday | 4–6pm*
Sunday | 10am–1pm
During Special Events
*During the Class Semester
Upcoming Events
Come and join our CSI class in January on Facing Death!