Struggles in the Spiritual Life — St Peter's Anglican Cathedral
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Struggles in the Spiritual Life

  • St. Peter's Cathedral 4784 Thomasville Road Tallahassee, FL (map)

Led by: Fr. Sudduth Cummings & Brian Bailey
Pathway 1:  Formation Through Prayer and Worship
Pathway 4: Formation Through Living Out Our Baptism as Public Witnesses For Christ

All of us encounter spiritual struggles, valleys in our journey with the Lord, and times of spiritual dryness or even desolation.  This class focuses on particular struggles and how to deal with them so as to grow in holiness.  Some of the situations addressed will be: What to do when you are tired, burned out, or overwhelmed by life.  How to respond when you feel burdened or confused in prayer.  Helpful tactics to employ when experiencing spiritual struggles.  How to deal with worldly agitations and temptations. How to resist the enemy when your confidence in God is threatened. Participants should purchase Struggles in the Spiritual Life: Their Nature and Their Remedies by Timothy Gallagher, available in St. Peter’s Bookstore.