Class registration for the Lay School of Theology’s 2024 Advent semester is now open!
Classes will be December 4th, 11th, and 18th from 6:15pm to 8pm.
There are two classes to choose from:
“Reengaged Liturgy: Exploring Our Worship,” with Fr. Marcus Kaiser. Ever wonder why we do the things we do during Sunday worship? Or maybe you knew once but can’t quite remember! Worship in the Anglican tradition is rich in meaning and rooted in a millennia of tradition, but it can be easy to miss the depth and feel a bit lost. Come and learn the ‘what’ and ‘why’ in this deep dive into our Anglican liturgy. Whether you're a new or seasoned Anglican, this class will enrich your understanding of worship and help you worship more fully in spirit and in truth.
“Rethinking Heaven: Our Hope in This Life and the Next,” with Fr. Jeff Trostle. This three-part series focuses on the hope we have in Christ for the future and how that perspective impacts the way we live today. It will challenge preconceived ideas about the resurrection, life after death, Christ’s second coming and more. We will use N.T. Wright’s book Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church as our guide through the fog surrounding this future hope in Christ.
When: Wednesdays, 6:15–8:00 pm | December 4, 11, & 18
Location: St. Peter’s Anglican Cathedral
Spots are limited, so please click below to register your spot! All are welcome, and the classes are free.
Childcare will be provided, and they can bring their dinner with them (no nuts, please).
Our instructors:
Fr. Marcus Kaiser: Dean of St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral
Fr. Jeff Trostle Faculty of Lay School of Theology