Wings for Change - Making Feminine Products

This is a teenage boy in South Rwenzori Diocese who has devoted his day to help his female school mates remain in school all month by making reusable feminine products. With St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral and WINGS FOR CHANGE, the Diocese is educating age appropriate students in the male and female reproductive systems. The education is biblically based, offered to discourage disrespect for female students during menstruation, reduction in male on female aggression, and reduce teen pregnancies.

St. Peter’s Bible Reading Plan

St. Peter’s Bible Reading Plan

Looking for a Lenten discipline to undertake?  Why not read through the whole Bible beginning on Ash Wednesday?  St. Peter’s Adult Formation Committee has created a one-year Bible Reading Plan that will guide you through the whole Bible.  The plan runs from Lent, 2021 to Lent, 2022. Pick up your copy at the Parish Life Desk or download a copy today!

World Mission Sunday at St. Peter's

World Mission Sunday at St. Peter's

The Lord richly blessed a joyous World Missions Weekend. We had dozens of our youth take part in a special day with Christopher Quinones from Love For The Least, a ministry sharing the Gospel in the refugee camps of Northern Iraq on Saturday. We then learned from more than twenty five incredible evangelistic ministries who highlighted their work in our community and in the world at large at an energizing ministry fair after each of our services.

Our parishioners pledged to become part of work in such areas as prison, human trafficking, evangelistic outreach, life, under-resourced, and campus efforts to love people in their pain and to share the life-redeeming power of Jesus Christ. A new and exciting missional spirit is truly sweeping through St. Peter’s Anglican Church. We hope that you might join us in boldly proclaiming the Gospel in both Word & deed…

World Mission Sunday.jpg

Registration is Now Open for Spring 2021 Classes

Welcome to the spring semester for Adult Discipleship! To continue to offer classes and achieve social distancing, we have spread the class offerings over several days throughout the week instead of all clustered on Wednesday nights. Each class is marked with a pathway which corresponds to one of the 4 Pathways to Adult Discipleship:

Pathway 1 | Cultivate a life of prayer and worship
Pathway 2 | Cultivate the study of Scripture and Christian Doctrine
Pathway 3 | Cultivate the stewardship of spiritual gifts and financial resources
Pathway 4 | Cultivate a public witness for Christ

Please review the class offering and decide which classes you would like to participate in this semester. All classes will meet in socially distanced settings and will require face coverings. Because of this, registration is required for each class.

Artwork Fundraiser

St. Peter’s Mary and Martha Guild is working hard to raise the funds for the construction of a beautiful Hospitality House to deliver our customary Coffee, Tea, and Lemonade each Sunday after services and special events!  To raise additional funds, parishioners and others are invited to purchase tickets for a chance to win one of these incredible works of art generously donated by artists from the congregation. Contributing artists include:

  • Rosemary Ferguson’s Catch of the Day, a water color of an anhinga snatching his breakfast from Wakulla Springs.

  • Nina Freeman’s Torn and Tattered water lily from one photographed on Lake Iamonia.

  • Mary Alma Lang painted her beautiful Cardinal for us to enjoy!  

  • The surprise piece of work, done by the British producer of all of our stained glass windows, is the print representing the middle stained glass window in St. Mary’s Chapel in the North Transcept.  We have three (3) of them to offer.  

The cost for a chance to win is $5.00 per chance, $20.00 for 5 chances, or $50 for 12 chances.  Your ticket purchase gives you an opportunity to win an amazing work of art AND helps build the Hospitality Center to offer refreshments on the lawn!

Artwork will be displayed in the Narthex after each service where tickets will be available for purchase. You can also download the ticket and mail in your chance to win. Simply download the ticket and follow the instructions on where to mail it in for your chance to win one of these beautiful pieces of art!

Meet Fr. Marcus!

Please take a few minutes to watch this video from Fr. Marcus addressing the parishioners of St. Peter's.

Fr. Marcus is a Florida native. He is married to Kim (since 1999) and has four boys: James (18), Jacob (15), Sam (9), and Mac (7). He received his Bachelor of Science from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1998 and his Master of Divinity at The Nashotah House Theological Seminary in 2009. He has served as Rector of Church of the Holy Comforter in Sumter, SC since 2014, and Associate Rector since 2009.

Fr. Marcus comes to St. Peter’s with a strong background in leadership and experience. He served in the U.S. Navy as a Surface Warfare Officer from 1998-2006 before going to seminary. He served as an alumni representative at Nashotah House Theological Seminary Board of Trustees from 2012–2015. He serves on the SOMA-USA (Sharing of Ministries Abroad) Board of Directors since 2015 and the ACNA Liturgy and Common Worship Task Force since 2014. In January 2020, he was appointed by the Archbishop of the ACNA to succeed Abp. Duncan as Chairman.

I was raised in a faithful Roman Catholic family, but was never truly a disciple of Christ in my early years. While in college, God gave me the strength to stop trying to run my own life and accept the radical call of Jesus. He then sent me the love of my life, a Pentecostal girl named Kim, and led us both to the Anglican tradition. There we found a place where the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all equally worshiped and glorified. Although I loved the Navy, God made it clear that He was calling me to a different service. After two decades of leadership experience, my deep desire remains to lead and mentor others and to equip the saints for the work of ministry. Only together can God’s people fulfill our call to make disciples of the nations, engaging a lost and wounded world with the saving love of Jesus Christ.
— The Very Rev'd Marcus Kaiser

We Welcome a New Dean to St. Peter’s

We are so happy and excited to announce that Fr. Marcus Kaiser will be the new Dean of St. Peter's!  A letter was sent in the mail to all of our parishioners on September 16, 2020 announcing this wonderful news.  Please take a few minutes to read the letter from our Senior Warden, Budd Kneip, that introduces Fr. Marcus Kaiser to the St. Peter's family.